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Quick Crossword

Quick Crossword

Please click the Install icon button to add the game to your home screen Puzzledrome

How to play

By clicking on any of the blank squares you'll be able to enter the number you require for that square. You may change any of the numbers you have entered at any time until you hit 'Finish'.

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By clicking on the Scratch Pad button you will be able to change the selected square to keep a note of the possible alternatives for that square. Clicking Scratch Pad again will revert to any previous number entered without loosing your notes.

The 'Reveal' button can give you assistance in completing the puzzle but will cost you points. In order to benefit from a hint, click on the square for which you want a hint and then hit the 'Reveal' button. This will reveal the number in that square.


The par target is to complete the puzzle within 10 minutes without making any errors or using any hints. If you can attain that target you will score 100 points.

Your score will be increased or decreased by 10 points for every minute or part minute above or below that par target. No points are awarded if you exceed a time of 20 minutes.

Your score will be reduced by 20% for every hint you use and every error you make. No points are awarded if you use five or more hints or make five or more errors.


  1. Puzzle completed without hints or errors in 7 mins 15 secs: Score 120
  2. Puzzle completed with 2 hints or errors in 7 mins 15 secs: Score 120 - 48 = 72
  3. Puzzle completed without hints or errors in 14 mins 45 secs: Score 50
  4. Puzzle completed with 3 hints or errors in 14 mins 45 secs: Score 50 - 30 = 20

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